Sunday, May 13, 2007

Zoey and Cameron Week 27 Pregnancy Update

Happy Mothers Day! Hope you all have a great day!

As many of you know, we have been experiencing some difficulties with this pregnancy. At 25 weeks I was in a position where I was told that there was a VERY strong chance of having these babies early, even before 28 weeks, which is scary. I was in the hospital and received steroid shots to help the babies lungs and brain mature. After another night in the hospital a week later for some mild contractions, I was sent home on strict bed rest. Only allowed out of the bed or off the couch to use the restroom and take a less then 10 minute shower daily.

We just had a follow up with the high risk OB at 27 weeks and things look pretty good. My cervix, which is very short for this stage of the pregnancy (cause for the doctors concern) seems to be holding! That makes the doctors very happy, but cautiously optimistic. I am home on strict bed rest until these babies are born, hopefully not before 34 weeks.

Every day-week-month that these two precious babies stay in my tummy, the better their chances. We hit our first milestone Tuesday 5/15, 28 weeks! Babies born at 28 weeks have an 85% survival rate. Some have long term issues, but some do not. Our next goal is 30 weeks, then 32 then 34. My doctors will be thrilled if I make it to 34 weeks and anything after that they say, is icing on the cake. 34 weeks is June 26th, so everyone pray that you don't hear about the babies being born before June 26th.

Thanks for all your continued prayers and support.

The Myers Clan-
Penny, Matt, Ethan, Zoey and Cameron