Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

What a year 2007 turned out to be! One of the most emotional years yet for our young family. In the first part of the year we learned that we were having twins, which was very exciting! But with that news came complications that landed me on and off bed rest for 12 weeks and was scary not knowing if all would be ok. In that same 12 weeks one of my dearest friends moved from San Antonio back to the east, Pennsylvania to be exact, to be closer to family. That was hard to say good-bye, but I know it was for the best for her family.

Then things normalized for 13 weeks and the pregnancy was business as usual for me and pregnancy. Couldn't eat a lot, was nervous I was not gaining enough weight, but all was well with the babies and we found out we were having a boy and a girl.

In April at 25 weeks big news came that the pregnancy was in jeopardy if I did not go on bed-rest immediately, so well.... I did as I was told. I got steroid shots just in case, but thank god they were just an extra boost that was not needed when they thought I was going to go into labor. It was really scary not knowing what the future held for the babies at that time, but I had to trust a greater power then my own that was to be, would be!

On July 12 we welcomed 2 new additions to our family, just 4 weeks early, Cameron Patrick and Zoey Makena joined their big brother Ethan Joshua and mommy and daddy to make the Myers Family Party of 5! They were little and sweet and just perfect!

In September the first light of my life turned 4. We are so blessed to be Ethan's parents and just when you think it's not possible to love him anymore, you can feel your love for him grow stronger and stronger each day. We love watching the joy in his face when he learns something new or laughs at an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that he has seen 30 times. He is such a sweet, caring, loving little boy with such a zest for learning, dancing, playing board games and loving his brother and sister, that we are truly grateful that he is the big brother and such a great role model for Cameron and Zoey.

In October I returned to work after 6 months off. That was weird. No matter how long your gone, things don't change much and there is always work to be done. Everyone at work was so supportive of us in our pregnancy and after, that we truly feel like we have a second family here in Texas.

Thanksgiving was spent at home with a special guest, Matt's second cousin who started her freshman year at UTSA this fall. Her mom is in the military and they were stationed in San Antonio for some time, so this feels like home to Ariel and she knows she is welcome at our house, laundry and all, anytime. Pictures:

Pre- Christmas Pictures:
Christmas was crazy for our family, but crazy fun. When you have three kids, you have to get things done whenever you can, so it took us only 2 days to get the tree up and decorated, but probably 2 weeks to put all the other stuff up. It was great to see the kids faces at the lights when they shined. Christmas really is a magical time for all children and should be enjoyed for as long as you can extend the season. Pictures:

On December 29th, we took Ethan to his first college football game, the Alamo Bowl which featured the Texas A&M Aggies taking on Matt's Alma Matter- Penn State. Penn State was of course victorious and we had a great time, and were so glad Penn State came to Texas and that we could enjoy this time with Ethan. Pictures:

Well that brings us to the end of a crazy 2007, but a roller coaster worth the ride, even if I did get sick a few times :) We look forward to 2008 with Ethan starting Kindergarten and the babies learning to crawl, walk and turn 1. We hope you will check back and see updates as we can get them on the site.

Thank you to all of you for being part of our life and enriching us all the time with what you bring to us and the world.

Love the Myers Family!