Friday, June 8, 2007

Family/Pregnancy Update-31 weeks and counting...

Hello All- We have made it to 31 weeks in this pregnancy and just hanging in there. We had an appointment with the high risk OB on Tuesday the 5th of June and things are good. Cervix is holding, so bed rest is working. Zoey and Cameron are growing 3lbs 8oz and 3lbs 11oz respectively. The doctor can't predict how long my cervix will hold because everyday as the babies grow it puts more and more pressure on it. I do know that we won't have to wait more then 5 and half weeks now to meet these two miracles. The longest they will let me stay pregnant is 37 weeks and I will be 32 this Tuesday June 12th.

Bed rest is boring but totally worth it. I watch the shows on TV with the preemie babies at 27/28 weeks and it just reminds me everyday how important these days of laying around are! Just continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers and we will continue to keep you updated on their progress.

Ethan is doing great. He is so patient with the fact that I can't help him a lot right now. He loves coming in to see me in the AM and then coming home from school and telling me about his day. We try to talk, play games and read books, stuff I can do, everyday.

He is still amazing us in school. The class has mostly turned 4 except for maybe 5 of the kids who have later B-day's, including Ethan who is the baby, but as his teachers tell us time and again he is the brightest. They are doing a lot of one on one work with him now, since he knows all his letters and sounds, which some of the kids still don't. He not only can write his name, but the names of every kid in his class. He is starting to practice reading by sounding out words with his teachers. None of the other kids have the slightest interest. He is also working on his math. The teacher will write out addition problems for him, simple ones like 1+3 or 4+ 5 and he will write the answer. He thinks it is so fun to do math. Again none of the other kids have any interest. We found out one of the other parents in the class actually got angry at the teacher and wanted to know why her son was not as smart and doing the same things as Ethan. I just laughed because you can't compare kids and we DO NOT push Ethan like this lady pushes her child and that has a lot to do with why he likes it, because we make it fun!

Thanks for letting me catch you all up and I hope you are well. I will send some pictures soon, I am having some trouble with this new software and uploading the pics to Shutterfly.
Take Care!!


Our Story: Continued said...

Oh I'm so glad to see this update! I have been praying for those babies to stay put and will continue to pray for that! I'm so glad you've made it this far!!!

Salamandar said...

Keep hanging in there! Thank you for the update. I'm thinking about you. Sallie

Unknown said...

I'm SO glad to hear the babies are doing alright and that you are sticking to your bed rest! The entire Miles (and extended) family say hi and wish you the best! My cousin Jeni is due on 30 June (baby girl), so it looks like we might have a few June birthdays! I'm so glad to hear that Ethan is doing great too! What a brainiac!! :) Miss you guys!
