Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pregnancy Week 34

Hello All- Thought I would add a picture of Ethan doing one of his favorite things, typing emails on the computer. He also enjoys the Disney Playhouse website, but who doesn't enjoy a good Mickey Mouse encounter. Matt and I still can't believe he is going to be 4 in September. He wants to have another Mickey Mouse birthday party, which he also had for his 3rd birthday. Honestly Matt and I were not surprised, he has been in love the big mouse since our trip to Disney just over a year ago.

We are coming into the home stretch with this pregnancy and are very excited that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am 34 weeks and have 16 or 17 days to go. Yes days, not weeks, not months- but days!!! We saw my regular OB yesterday and he completed the c-section surgery request form for either July 12 or July 13. Now there is always a possibility with all that is happening that I could go before then, but I am hoping to make it to the day of the scheduled surgery. My OB is actually going to get the Fertility OB in his practice that was responsible for the Invitro process that got me into this situation :) to assist with the c-section. Matt I think that will be cool to come full circle with the person who helped make this possible from the beginning, to be there at the delivery.

The babies are doing well, we have one more ultrasound on July 3rd (35 weeks) to measure the babies with the high risk OB, then we see the regular OB on July 6 and we won't see him again until the day of the surgery!!!! Our last ultrasound at 33 weeks showed they were weighing about 4lbs 8oz and 4lbs 11oz. They each gained a pound from the ultrasound 2 weeks earlier.

We appreciate all of your support through this craziness and look forward to introducing you to Cameron and Zoey! We will let you know of course if anything changes, but look forward to hearing from us after our next ultrasound and then again after these babies are born.

Penny, Matthew, Ethan, Cameron and Zoey

P.S. Ethan figured out this weekend that we would all have E's in our names, but that he was glad he was the only one that started with a vowel :) Kids really are funny about what they pick up on!


Our Story: Continued said...

That is so great that you've made it this far!! I can't wait to hear of their arrival! :)