Saturday, July 7, 2007

The babies are coming!!!

Hello All- Just thought I would send a quick update to let you know that the babies are coming on Thursday July 12th. My c-section is set for 1:00PM Central Time. The babies are doing good. I have been a bit under the weather but on the mend.

There is a good chance that the babies will be small, based on ultrasounds and the fact that Ethan was small and he was almost 40 weeks when he was born. With that, they may have to spend a few days in the NICU because small babies have a harder time maintaining there body temperature and blood sugar levels and that has to be good before they can come hang out with us in our room. Either way, they will be in good hands and can get the care they need to grow big and strong.

We will be at North Central Baptist Hospital in San Antonio-not sure the phone number, but we will have both Matt and my cell phone in the room after the c-section, so you are welcome to call on those. If you are local and would like to come visit, Saturday would probably be best since hopefully by then I will be able to shower :)

My cell phone is 210-818-6791 and Matt's cell phone is 210-412-4157. We will of course publish some pics as soon as we can.

Thank you all for your support through all of this and especially the last 11 weeks of bed rest. We are looking forward to becoming a family of 5 :)

Penny, Matt, Ethan and soon to be born Cameron Patrick and Zoey Makena