Friday, July 20, 2007

NICU Update: End of Week 1

Good Evening,

Zoey and Cameron have survived their first week of NICU Boot Camp! There they are learning the essentials of feeding and growing. They continue to receive excellent care from the NICU Nursing Staff at North Central Baptist Hospital.

Let's see what has happened since our last post.

Earlier in the week, Zoey and Cameron continued to flip-flop daily on which one wanted to step out and be ahead of the other. The staff continued to tell us that girls typically do better in NICU than boys and yet, here as of Friday, Cameron seems to be ahead of her. Neither really loves formula but both really seem to be into the taste of Momma's Milk. Cameron will guzzle his bottle feedings (in about 10 minutes). Imagine a little less than 2 oz taking 10 min to drink...

Cameron pulled out his feeding tube on Thursday afternoon and probably hasn't had a tube feeding since Tuesday (?). Zoey still has her tube, but she hasn't had a tubal feeding since Thursday. We convinced the nurse yesterday afternoon (Thursday) that Zoey was ready to try to have all of her feedings via bottle (at least to attempt it). The night nurse also agreed and today's nurse let us put it into action. Zoey did so well for being so small.

Each day they both progressed closer to 50 cc(s) of formula/breastmilk. Cameron got there on Thursday and Zoey hit the 50 cc mark this morning (Friday).

Penny and are about to head back to the hospital (we were there earlier today from about 830 am until 630pm) to "room-in" with both of them. This is their chance to be off all of their breathing, respiratory and other monitors and spend the night with us in a room. It will be Cameron's final test before he can head home. Yes, that is right, if all goes well, Cameron will be able to come home on Saturday and Zoey, maybe on Sunday if she continues to gain weight and take her feedings like a champ!

As of now, Zoey is weighing in at 4lb 11.3 oz (4lb 10oz at birth) and Cameron weighs a stout 5 lb 1.5oz (.5oz below his birth weight). They will be weighed again this evening and I expect that both will be over their BW.

Look for an update tomorrow morning on our "room-in" and perhaps also some updated pictures as well! Wish us luck!


Matt, Penny, Ethan, Zoey, and Cameron