Saturday, July 14, 2007

ZoCam Day 3 Update

Good Evening Friends,

For Penny, Day 3 started rather early at 430am with a visit from her Doctor doing morning rounds. Based on that discussion, it was decided that Penny would be able to come home tomorrow (Sunday) assuming that all was well during the Sunday visit. As of this evening, she is up and moving around and is walking, but she is definitely sore. She still doesn't feel as bad as she did with Ethan (thank goodness!). She was just excited to get a shower. Thank goodness for no hurricanes (this time).

As you probably read in last night's entry, Zoey and Cameron were put on feeding tubes yesterday to help them receive proper nutrition. Last night, the staff in the NICU upped their formula to a special higher calorie blend for premature babies. They are now on a proper rotation of breast/bottle feeding and tube feedings. Assuming they continue to progress appropriately, they'll continue to wean them off the tube as they get more used to breast/bottle. Unfortunately, that continues to be a challenge as Penny's milk comes in. Zoey seems to have the suck/swallow/breathing thing down quite well, but Cameron still struggles, despite being heavier still than Zoey. Even when they do get some of the formula through a bottle, they still get tuckered out pretty quickly and it takes much longer than it should for them to drink their required amounts. Then we are forced to pass the formula through the tubes in their nose which goes down to their stomachs. Cameron still seems to be having some gastro-issues, but we hope those will go away with time as well.

As of last night, Zoey was down to 4lbs 5oz and Cameron was down to 4 lbs 15oz. This weight loss is not unusual, but since their feedings are sketchy at best (unless via a tube), it is slightly a cause for alarm. Hopefully, their weigh-in tonight will produce no more lackluster news.

All said, they are quite cute and we can't wait to bring them home. The staff "guess" that will occur between 1 week and 2 weeks (after birth). These challenges to be expected with smaller babies born early. We are just thankful that they continue to receive loving care, they have each other, and that we are only 5 minutes from the hospital.

Please keep little ZoCam in your thoughts and prayers and please hope that they make a quick recovery and are able to come home soon.

Check out these links for photos of Zoey and Cameron from Thursday and Friday/Today's visit with Ethan & Grammy Miller.

Photos from July 12 are available at:

Photos from July 13 and 14 are available at


Matt, Penny, Ethan, Zoey and Cameron


The West Family said...

ZoCam are adorable! I love the pictures with Ethan. He looks so excited to be the big brother. Penny- you look great! I hope I look that put together when in the hospital! Sending prayers and wishes that the babies continue to grow and get the feeding thing down quickly. I can't believe you are a family of 5! Wow!