Friday, July 13, 2007

Day 2 in the NICU and ZoCam Meets the Big Brother

Good Evening,

Day 2 has come and gone and our precious twins are still in the NICU at North Central Baptist Hospital here in San Antonio. We couldn't wish for better care for them both.

Penny is doing much better and has been officially unhooked from all machines (as of 8pm Friday)...She is still incredibly sore (like she just did 1500 situps), but she is recovering well and actually feels better than she did after Ethan's childbirth.
Friday the 13th started out with them in separate cribs across the room from each other. Both were doing well. All of their glucose and other tests were normal and there was some discussion of them coming home with Penny either Saturday or Sunday. It was not until we started to try to feed them this morning that we began to have a few challenges. Both were experiencing some gastrointestinal "distress." Despite our efforts to feed them every 3 hours, it became a battle to keep them awake long enough to actually get them to nurse or drink from a bottle.
During the late afternoon, the doctors and nurses determined that the babies needed to be fed
through a tube. Despite their best efforts to fight off the doctors, both babies succumbed to the
tubes which went through their nasal passage and down into their stomachs. To help ease their stress they decided to also co-locate the babies into the same crib (photo on the right).

We had promised Ethan a visit this afternoon to meet his new baby brother and sister today.
After I picked him up from school, I brought him to meet them. He was very excited to meet ZoCam. He was very fond of rubbing Cameron's head and letting him hold his finger. We think
he'll be a great big brother and he is very proud of his new role in our family. He was also very excited to take photos of his new baby brother and sister to school today to show all of his friends.
Keep checking back for updates. I'll try to upload all of these photos and more to Shutterfly soon and I'll be sure to post the link so that you can view them all!
Penny, Matt, Ethan, and ZoCam