Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Catching Up with Zoey and Cameron

Good Day Readers!

We do apologize for the delay in updating our blog, but the two newest members of the family were very hesitant to give any interviews to the author. The editors of this blog have ironed out all differences (except for the sleep issue) and the "Stars" have since agreed to submit to interviews. The content of which formed the update below.

Our last update came on July 23 when Zoey and Cameron were released from the NICU and sent home. Since that time, both babies have done really well in terms of growth. At their last measurement (last Thursday), Zoey was 6lb 6oz and Cameron was 7lb 0oz.

Cameron has developed a bit of "silent reflux." His symptoms include reflux without actual spit-up, which sometimes results in some stomach aches/pains which interferes with his normal sleep/eating routine. He has been on Pepcid for the last 6 days or so and seems to be doing much better. He went on Tuesday (of this week) for an Upper GI scan. After not being able to eat for 4 hours, he gobbled down 1/2 oz of Barrium liquid and once the scan began, he promptly spit it up. The radiologist and doctor were able to see his reflux occur. Fortunately, his anatomy is correct and the issue isn't being caused by a anatomical problem with his Intestines, Stomach or other internal organs. We'll continue to monitor the situation along with the doctors at ABCD Pediatrics and hopefully we'll continue to see progress.

Zoey is doing well too. As you read, she has grown tremendously from her birth weight of 4lbs 10oz. In the past few days, she has started to show some similar symptoms as Cameron, but we'll continue to monitor them as well and hope that it is "just a phase." She is very alert and active and very vocal.

Both babies are very happy. They enjoy eating, sleeping, pooping (all of the normal stuff). They are practicing holding up their heads and are also masters of the facial expression. They give us all kinds of smiles, smirks, frowns and the such. Recently, both have discovered their little fingers. Just last evening, Cameron tried to put his whole hand in his mouth, but he eventually settled on eating just his thumb. The babies eat about every 3 hours, sometimes more, sometimes less. Generally, they sleep between feedings, but they are definitely more awake and aware of their surroundings than 2 weeks ago. Since they sleep together, we often have to calm Zoey and Cameron down quickly or we risk the other one waking up. They are still not a huge fan of their swings, but they are starting to warm up to their bouncy seats and other toys.

Grammy Janice (from PA) arrived on July 27 and has been a big help with the babies (allowing Penny to get some much needed morning naps) and with doing some yardwork despite the HOT Texas sun. Pappy Paul arrived from PA on Friday (August 10). They have enjoyed meeting and visiting with the babies and exploring the sights of San Antonio (and beyond). We'll be sad to see them leave on Saturday (August 18).

At this time, we are trying to keep the babies on a similar schedule so that we can maintain as normal a life as possible with us getting some sleep (about 4 hours a night now), Ethan going to school, etc. Sleep has proven to be the most valuable commodity. Matt doesn't often take advantage of his napping chances (during the day), so he is probably having the toughest time with the lack of sleep. On more than one occasion, he has awoken confused and bewildered. Once, he swore that a baby was hiding under the covers of the bed.

Since Grammy Janice was in town, Matt did go back to work for a few days (part-time) at the beginning of August to help extend his overall leave. He goes back to work on Monday, August 20, but will continue to take time off as needed for appointments and to help Penny when she needs a break, etc. Penny is scheduled to return to work on the Tuesday following Columbus Day.

Well, we hope that you feel updated and we do apologize for the lack of postings during the past few weeks. We'll try to do at least weekly updates so you can track the progress of our crazy family!

Congratulations to Michelle West on the birth of her little one and to Bill and Kathy Moore (our neighbors across the street) on the birth of Zoey's best friend, Mackenzie. She was also born on July 12...Look out next year for a big Chimayo Bend Birthday Party!!

Our best wishes to all, we send much love from Texas!

Penny, Matt, Ethan, Zoey and Cameron