Friday, August 31, 2007

Ethan started pre-kindergarten on Monday August 27th. He is so excited to finally move to the Purple room for 4 year old's and out of the 3 year old's Green room. "Green is still his favorite color and won't change even in the new room" according to him on the ride to the first day of school. He has many of the same kids in his class this year as last with some new additions. His teacher from the Green Room, Ms. Lori also moved up and is now teaching in the purple room. The other teacher in the purple room is Ms. Marti, who was his teacher two years ago. We love both of his teachers and know that he is going to learn a lot this year in preparation for Kindergarten in the fall.

Link to a few more photos of Ethan preparing to go off to school and one of the twins:

Babies are good- Both are now on medicine for reflux, but are handling it well. They both had Upper GI's to check for the presence of reflux, but more to check the anatomy and ensure there were no obstructions. Both tests were fine for anatomy but we saw the reflux. Very weird to see your child's insides while they are eating and watch it all work. The babies handled swallowing the barium fine. They said infants do better then adults because they don't know any better, plus they only have to drink such a small amount and it's diluted.

At last check (6 weeks) Cameron weighed 8lbs 5oz and Zoey was 7lbs 8oz. That means in their first 6 weeks of life they have gained about 3 pounds each which the doctor says is great. They are finally on the percentile chart for their age. We will get official weights and percentiles at their 2 month check up on September 12th. They can actually wear size 1 diapers and no longer have to wear newborn size. Also all their preemie clothes are finally too small, however much of the 0-3 is still big, so it's tough to find clothes that fit, and we focus on the newborn size which is a little smaller then some 0-3 stuff.

We are looking forward to a visit from Aunt Trish and Cousin Sarah on Oct 3! They will be here until the 8th and I go back to work :( on October 9th.

Hope everyone is doing well and we would love to hear from you!